Tag Archives: Mercedes

Mini “me”


A friend of mine sent me two days ago a photo about himself as a baby and I looked at my wall …I have a wall covered with Filip’s and my photos from the childhood and since I moved often, I was afraid once to put them away and never find again. I also planned to make some digital version of them anyway to save for the “old age” period.

Here is a prove I was blond and stylish as always, hahahahaha


red sandals

Lower the first photo with dad, he probably told me to do these stupid faces, but I do not recall anything about it, however I like my dumb faces and not knowing what to do in front of camera, just as now many times 😀

The second photo is in my grandparents frontyard in a village called Tóba (I visited for X-mas my grandma, I heard there are now only about 500 inhabitants there).

I spent there lot’s of nice summers and winters, because the street was full of kids, I had lots of cousins living in the street and I was the youngest and the only girl, I was protected by my “brothers”. This is a photo where I cannot deny I am Hungarian 🙂 I have the typical Hungarian motives – “kalocsai” embroidery. On the last photo, the baby is my sister Tünde and the blond boy, Paul is my cousin in the US. And I am 100% sure we were dressed up specially for this photographing (you know, for being good looking on the photos). How much we hated this as a kid, you will see later on one of the photos.

I do not know if you realized my hair is short, I was not happy with that either. I always wanted to have a long hair, later when I was a bit older, couple of times I managed to grow it, but for very short periods. Let’s say: My parents probably recognized short hair suits me more, but…anyway.

Actually I could never really grow a “long, long Frozen Elsa hair” even after in my older ages. I love my short haircut now a lot. And Filip likes the long hair of our babysitter Erika. 😀

These kids are my cousins, I am missing my sister and brother on the photos, and  Gabrili’s sister Anna. My sister Tünde was probably playing with the black cat in the huge trunk of my aunties Mercedes and my brother József arrived to the world 14 year later after me 😀

I am the girl in the blue on the right, but I think it is obvious. I loved that dress.


Lídia, Gabrili, Tanja, me, István and Mirela – from left going onto right

And below is the “I hate photographing” photo. Look at my face, like “common finish and let’s take off this dress, because it was anyway ment for photographing”.

My grandfathers 6 brother and sisters family are/were living in the US, I recall one of my Great Aunts each time she visited us, she brought us cute dresses. My memories are blurry about these family members, because we did not meet a lot.

Oh yeah, we always got the same dresses, like twins. Now I find it cute, but then I didn’t. 😀

I guess Aunty did not wanted to make difference in the presents – you know kids can be jelaous at each other – or she just found cute to see two  nice girls in nice dresses. 😀

See the contrast with my sister, only common in our look is the dress.


Mom  Irén,  dad József,  me and my sister Tünde (in translation: willow, but she was more devil)

This below is Attila,  I have no clue who is he, some family friends kid, but I love this photo.


The roses are red, the violet is blue, the honey is sweet and we are too 😉

and this girl was my only competition in Tóba (my grandparents village), sometimes were were friend, but mostly fighting. And this is another dress from the US which my sister had too (I do not know where she was when this photo was taken)


Sári, Gabi and the white socks, and again “nice setup” for photographing

sorry, no more photos for now 🙂